Using the C-TPAT Protection Seal Has Various Benefits for Your Business

Using The C-TPAT Security Seal Has Several Advantages For Your Business

Cargo seals have lengthy sections of appropriate protection practice.  Its primary purpose is to reassure carriers, cargo owners, and government officials that the integrity of the shipment remains intact. Trailer and container sealing, to include continuous seal integrity, is an essential element of a secure supply chain.

One of the reasons security seals are so important is that, unlike locks, they cannot be resealed or replaced. If the numbered or coded seal has been broken, you will know that your security has been breached.

With a security seal control program that documents what is secured, when it is secured, and with what seal, shippers, and recipients know with 100% certainty that no container is being opened by anyone who is not authorized to open it. That’s why C-TPAT makes seals an integral part of its security protocol. It is critical that all partners in the supply chain have security procedures at the point of filling, procedures to inspect, properly seal, and maintain the integrity of shipping containers and trailers.

Keep your Cargo safe with certified seals

One way to shield your cargo in serious or touchy conditions is to take a layered approach. This means using more than one security tool at a time. C-TPAT certified seals a tamper-proof seal combined with safety tape, or even multiple seals can be a strong deterrent against theft. By selecting varieties that are proven to be destructive, it will become clear to parties at all checkpoints if there is a problem with the cargo.

Securt manufactures high-security seals that are C-TPAT compliant and ISO 17712 certified, including high-security cable seals and high-security bolt seals. This ISO 17712 seal is available in a variety of colors, and with custom printing and barcodes.

C-TPAT network partners are increasingly trusted in the eyes of the nation. Because they work in close association with CBP and follow recommended practices, entries submitted by these members are not subject to stringent security checks like other, more questionable cargoes.

C-TPAT is a program that also offers its members the advantage of constant communication with the Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSP) who is responsible for managing the relationship with CBP and answering all security-related questions. Wherever practicable and practicable, C-TPAT partner cargo is moved to the front of the processing line and if a delay occurs, upon resumption of service, their shipments and goods are handled first to reduce lag time.

Do you need a C-TPAT compliant seal? If you are a C-TPAT member, the obvious answer is yes. However, if you are not a member and If you do not import goods or ship them across borders, C-TPAT compliant seals still affect your operations as Protecting your cargo shipments from tampering or theft requires the highest level of security. And C-TPAT compliant seals pass ISO/PAS-17712, the absolute best strength judging by the International Standards Organization.

Naturally, all Securt bolt seals are C-TPAT compliant. So you don’t need to be a C-TPAT member to take advantage of C-TPAT level security. It has a variety of cable locks and suitable bolt seals to hold items in place and prevent tampering or manipulation.