First-Time Gun Buyer Tips

First-Time Gun Buyer Tips

Gun ownership and concealed carry permit applications continue to increase, resulting in many first-time gun buyers and new gun owners. If you are new to owning a weapon, whether you grew up in a family that had firearms around or not, you may need a bit of guidance when purchasing your first gun. To ensure that your money is well-spent consider following these tips.

Do a Little Research

Before you purchase your weapon and start searching for 9 mm in bulk, you should do a little research. Research reputable weapons sites online, such as the NRA, Shooting Illustrated and the American Rifleman. You can also find high-quality books on weapons. Learn about the different types of guns, e.g., rifles, shotguns, revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, and narrow your choice down to type. Then, learn about the brands and their features. Before you walk into the store, you should have an idea of the caliber and type of weapon you are looking for, but don’t worry too much about the brand yet.

Avoid Listening to Opinions

Everyone is loyal to a specific type of weapon. For example, those with a 9mm may tell you that a .45 caliber isn’t the right weapon for you, while the opposite is true for .45 caliber fans. Gun owners have experience with their weapons of choice, but they aren’t going to know what firearm will work best for you. Therefore, although you may ask for advice, don’t take it as absolute truth.

However, you may ask if your friends or family members will take you to a shooting range and allow you to try out their weapons. This will allow you to get a feel for different calibers, types and brands.

Test a Number of Weapons

Many gun ranges will allow you to rent weapons to use while you are there. This gives you an excellent opportunity to test fire and carry weapons before you purchase one. Search for the weapon that fits you. Then, get in some extensive practice and take a few gun safety and operations courses before purchasing your weapon.

Your weapon is a personal choice. No one can tell you what will work best for you. Therefore, you need to do some homework and test a few weapons before you buy one.