All car dealerships should be using social media to boost their business, even if they are already very successful. Lots of customers use the internet to find new businesses, so you could be missing out on a huge group of potential customers if you do not have an online presence.

How do you make sure that you succeed online? Here are five social media tactics that should be used by car dealerships.
If you want people to engage with your brand, it is important to tell a story; for example, Starbucks sells the whole coffee experience via social media. It is not just about the coffee but also about socialising and hanging out with friends.
If you are not sure what your business story is, consider going for a philanthropic angle. Show pictures of your business supporting local charities, especially if the charity is close to your heart, so that people will be able to make a more emotional commitment to your business.

Host online promotions
Online promotions will benefit both you and your customers; for instance, you could ask customers to share your page for a prize, such as a free car polish for the winner. This will boost both your engagement and your online following, with research confirming that potential customers like online promotional deals. Just make sure that you post a picture of the winner, as this will make future promotional offers seem more legitimate.
Encourage customers to leave online reviews
It can also be useful to encourage customers to leave online reviews. Potential customers trust online reviews; therefore, the more good reviews you have, the more likely people are to buy from you.
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Be consistent
Finally, it is important to make sure that you are consistent with your social media efforts. Try to set a posting schedule that is realistic, such as three posts a week. Don’t overstretch yourself, as you might become demotivated and stop posting if you fall behind. Once you get started, commit to the schedule; after all, customers may think that your company has closed down if you stop posting, which won’t be very good for business!